Project Implementation & Management

Tailor-Made Project Management

Different types of projects have different objectives and goals and thus, they also require different management structures and procedures. Accordingly, also the expectations of the review process might differ, as dictated by the specifics and type of the project. Knowing the characteristics of – and the requirements and expectations from – the different types of projects, enable us to devise the most effective and suitable management structures and procedures needed for specific projects.

Planning Budget & Use of Resources.

The successful implementation of all the aspects of the project depends on the harmonised execution – within the prescribed budget – of the numerous tasks of the project. At the same time – indeed, more often than not – budgetary flexibility should be maintained to allow responding to different requirements which arise in the course of the project implementation. Based on our well-proven expertise, we offer budget planning and management so that the beneficiaries can actually be free of budgetary concerns and can concentrate on the scientific work.

Accurate & Timely Reporting

Every funding authority requires on-going reports that show that the funds allocated are used efficiently and according to the plan as approved. Each funding authority has its own reporting system and expectations regarding the content and format of the different reports (scientific results, progress reports, financial reports, etc.). Accurate reporting that meets the requirements and expectations of the funding authority is thus most crucial. This is a time-consuming effort that beneficiaries often find hard to exert. We are highly experienced and well-versed in the different kinds of reporting requirements and formats set by the various funding organs and we can thus alleviate the burden of reporting from the scientists and other project partners.

Proposal Preparation - Risk Assessment & Contingency Plan

Project Progress Monitoring & Quality Assurance

Each project needs to be monitored to ensure that it does not deviate from its prescribed plan for which funding was awarded and that it maintains efficient and qualitative execution. This requires setting tools for ongoing examination & evaluation of the project as well as on-going evaluation of the actual execution of the project objectives and tasks and the performance of the participants. We shall put in place a Monitoring & Quality Assurance Programme pertaining to all the aspects of the project – scientific, administrative and financial – so as to ensure that all tasks are indeed always in-line with the project plan as approved by the funding authority.

Decision-Making & Conflict Resolution

Implementation of R&D projects requires partners to agree on mutually acceptable structures and procedures that would govern the management of the project and ensure that it is also mutually benefiting project. We have designed, for numerous projects, well-wrought decision-making procedures and conflict resolution mechanisms & arrangements, along with communication procedures, contingency plans, reporting systems and other components that ensure successful and effective project implementation.

Our Role: What we do in projects.

EuCRF European Centre for Research & Financing participates in each project we are involved in its preparation as partners and/or co-ordinators. We shall contribute in leading capacity to the project management, its dissemination tasks, exploitation & commercialisation activities, to the analysis of the socio-economic impact & implications, including gender-related issues and to the on-going project monitoring & evaluation. We shall be actively involved in the work on the proposal, in the budget planning and in the consortium building where relevant.