The project aimed at exploitation and use of mathematics, coupled with social and economic sciences in the study of cultural dynamics and the social process of cultural transmission, including drawing up a strategic picture of European resources, networks and their use of mathematics in fields relevant to cultural dynamics, so as to identify and pursue new opportunities for better understanding the social processes of culture transmission; developing cross-disciplinary research methods for collaborative activity between mathematics and the social sciences; and establishing growth curve of activities with mathematics in cultural dynamics and a long term integration between the fields through a programme of collaborative events and researcher training and mobility.
Partners included: Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics UOXF.BK Oxford, Smith Institute for Industrial Mathematics & System Engineering, University of Surrey UniS Guildford, Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London UCL-JDI London, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge(UK); University of Cassini UNICAS Cassini, Department of Mathematics “Ulisse Dini”, University of Firenze (Italy); CNRS – Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales CNRS-EHESS Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientific – Laboratoire LEIBNIZ-IMAG CNRS-IMAG Grenoble, Cinejou Productions SA CP Paris (France); Ventspils University College VUC Ventspils (Latvia); Fraunhofer Institute fur Techno und Wirtschaftsmathematik FhG-ITWM Kaiserslautern (Germany); Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM Madrid (Spain); Technische Universiteit Eindhoven TU/e Eindhoven (Netherlands); Helsinki University UH Helsinki (Finland)