Topic ID – DS-05-2015
Topic Title – Trust eServices
H2020-DS-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-DS-2014-2015 (Societal Challenges)
Deadline – 27/8/2015
Devising demonstrators for automated comparison and interoperability of electronic trust services, covering aspects such as security assurance levels, operational security audits, state supervision systems, data protection regimes, liability of trust service providers, etc.
IA; € 3 – 8 million
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Topic ID – SEAC-1-2015
Topic Title – Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people
H2020-SEAC-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-SEAC-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Supporting range of activities, which will raise young boys’ and girls’ awareness of the different aspects encompassing science and technology in their societal content and to address the challenges faced by young people when pursuing careers in STEM & fostering sustainable and cross-cutting interaction between the different levels of the education system, research institutions and other establishments, industry, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). A link with SCIENTIX – The Community for Science Education in Europe – is strongly encouraged, since it consists of a multidimensional educational tool and would assist in spreading out STEM practices and better understanding of the relation between science and technology in practical terms.
When the proposed activities include scientific and technical work it should be implemented as a Research and Innovation Action, otherwise as a Coordination and Support Action.
R&I or CSA; € 1 – 1.8 million
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Topic ID – SEAC-4-2015
Topic Title – EURAXESS outreach activities
H2020-SEAC-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-SEAC-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Tackling and targeting open and transparent labour market for researchers by outreaching to industry and by building a human resources strategy for researchers.
Lot 1- Outreach to industry: providing EURAXESS service centres with tools to increase the uptake/use of the EURAXESS portals and services by the industry sector.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 0.5 and 1 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Lot 2: Accelerating the open labour market for researchers – Pilot call Accreditation for Human Resources Strategy for Researchers – establishing a system for the certification of genuinely ‘good human resources management’, primarily in the public research sector.
CSA; Lot 1: € 0.5 – 1 million; Lot 2: c. € 1.5 million
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Topic ID – ISSI-1-2015
Topic Title – Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science
H2020-ISSI-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-ISSI-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Organising public outreach exhibitions and participatory events throughout the whole of Europe to engage citizens in science, drawing on the experience and capacity of science museums, Higher Education Institutions, science shops, scientific centres of excellence and innovation hubs, cities of scientific culture, grass root Do It Yourself (DiY) creative re-use communities, secondary schools, higher education centres, NGOs, civil society organizations, local public authorities & other relevant stakeholders.
Scope: interactive, and adapted to local/regional conditions exhibitions and participatory events providing material for dissemination and making use of existing multimedia and other relevant technology employing inclusive participatory techniques to engage with multiple publics (children, youth, women, adults, and other relevant stakeholders); establishing regular ‘science cafés’ in informal settings, pointing at emerging science and technology issues and their Responsible Research and Innovation dimension invoking debates and engaging citizens and other relevant experts and local actors. Public feedback of exhibits and the outcomes of deliberations shall be collected and analysed in a structured way, to guide an internal learning process and provide policy support.
CSA, € 3 – 3.5 million
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Topic ID – ISSI-3-2015
Topic Title – Knowledge Sharing Platform
Call for integrating Society in Science and Innovation (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Foster the sharing of ‘Science With and For Society’ experience and know-how in Europe, and beyond. Activities shall envisage building a Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) to federate Responsible Research and Innovation communities and make RRI and its key dimensions more effective research and innovation policy support tools.
CSA, c. € 3 million
Topic Description
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Topic ID – ISSI-4-2015
Topic Title – On-line mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice
H2020-ISSI-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-ISSI-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
The on-line dimension of knowledge-based decision-making should involve different mechanisms, such as Science 2.0, e-Science approaches and other collaborative functions for policy analysis, forward looking studies, technology assessment, data exchange for research etc.; trans-European collaboration tools focusing on EU level policy advice; work-flow management systems for specific methods; participatory citizen and stakeholder consultation systems; services supporting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) methods and frameworks, including gender equality; Web-services for the project life-cycle – project definition, method choice, evaluation and management. The proposals shall probe the potential and feasibility of on-line services and develop and demonstrate on-line services that will strengthen European capacity for knowledge-based policy analysis and advice, with special emphasis on Science, technology and Innovation (STI) governance. Emphasis shall be put on a well-documented demand-side, on targeted user-centred solutions, and on usability across languages and among different institutional structures in the advisory domains. Innovation height shall be found in the functions provided, and the use of known and well tested enabling ICT technologies is to be preferred.
R&I; c. € 4 million
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Topic ID – ISSI-5-2015
Topic Title – Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation
H2020-ISSI-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-ISSI-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Developing Responsible Research and Innovation Plan covering five RRI keys (societal engagement, gender equality and gender in research and innovation content, open access, science education and ethics) in each participating institution, including analysis of main problems and challenges and developing a set of specific implementing actions aiming at the necessary structural change on the basis of specific situation and challenges. Action Plans shall be accompanied by an implementation roadmap. RRI plans shall conduct impact assessment / audit of procedures and practices in order to identify RRI barriers at organisation level; implement innovative strategies to address RRI barriers; develop the RRI dimension in research content and programmes; and set targets and monitor progress via indicators at organisation level.
The proposals shall include a methodology for impartially monitoring and assessing the progress made throughout the duration of the project. This activity could be dedicated to a specific partner organisation or subcontracted. Also, the proposals should include an international dimension in particular with the following countries: Brazil, Republic of South Africa, India, Canada, Australia, Russia, United States of America, Japan and China.
CSA, € 2 – 4 million
Topic Description
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Topic ID – GERI-3-2015
Topic Title – Evaluation of initiatives to promote gender equality in research policy and research organisations
H2020-GERI-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-GERI-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Developing concepts and methodologies for the evaluation of initiatives (e.g., direct support to female researchers’ careers, specific awards, gender balance in decision-making, gender-budgeting the integration of a gender dimension in research and programmes. Some initiatives have a more comprehensive scope such as charters, performance agreements and gender equality plans, etc.), providing adequate analysis of how gender issues are considered in science management and policy-making and how they contribute to achieve three main objectives: equal participation and progression in research careers, gender balance in decision-making and the integration of a gender dimension in research content and programmes. The proposed evaluation framework shall also encompass analysis of impacts:
- on research quality and productivity as well as innovation;
- on research organisations and Higher Education Institutions in terms of structure; efficiency, competitiveness, quality of the workplace, recruitment capacity;
- at research system level in terms of intensity and productivity.
R&I, c. € 2 million
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Topic ID – GERI-4-2015
Topic Title – Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans
H2020-GERI-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-GERI-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Assisting Member States, research performing organisations (RPOs), including Higher Education Institutions &, research funding organisations (RFOs) to promote gender equality in R&I with the following objectives:
- Removing barriers to the recruitment, retention and career progression of female researchers;
- Addressing gender imbalances in decision making processes;
- Strengthening the gender dimension in research programmes.
- Scope: The action provides support to RPOs and RFOs in order to support systemic institutional changes, in particular through the implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). GEPs shall:
- Conduct impact assessment / audit of procedures and practices, including relevant data on HR management, teaching and research activities, in order to identify gender bias at organisation level;
- Implement innovative strategies to address gender bias; this should include family-friendly policies (e.g. work schedule’s flexibility; parental leave; mobility, dual-career couples); gender planning and budgeting; training on gender equality in Human Resources (HR) management; develop the gender dimension in research content and programmes; integrating gender studies in Higher Education Institution curricula;
- Set targets and monitor progress via indicators at organisation level.
CSA, € 1.5 – 2.3 million
Topic Description
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Topic ID – GARRI-2-2015
Topic Title – Responsible Research and Innovation in industrial context
H2020-GARRI-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-GARRI-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Demonstrating how to implement RRI in process development (via stakeholder involvement, taking account of gender differences, Corporate Social Responsibility, etc.) and in quality of the final outcomes (complying with standards relating to sustainability, precautionary principle, gender and ethics, among others). The proposals shall foster collaboration between actors from industry, research and civil society to jointly define and implement a concrete roadmap for the responsible development of particular technologies, products or services within up to three specific research/innovation fields, enabling a detailed comparative assessment. It can for example develop an RRI-inspired ‘CSR 2.0’ roadmap and implementation plan that is demonstrated, tested, and assessed by the partners involved in the action. Overall, the proposals shall pilot and demonstrate how industry and societal actors can work productively together according to the Responsible Research and Innovation approach, delivering practical evidence of the benefits for industry at large to follow up on a similar path.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 1.5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
CSA, € 1 – 1.5 million
Topic Description
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Topic ID – GARRI-4-2015
Topic Title – Innovative approach to release and disseminate research results and measure their impact
H2020-GARRI-2015-1 Sub call of: H2020-GARRI-2014-2015 (Science with and for Society)
Deadline – 16/9/2015
Examining how peer-review develops outside of traditional methods and support it and how indicators and bibliometrics are adequate for different types of needs and promote them. With open access expanding beyond scientific articles to encompass data, monographs and books, it needs to be seen whether current methods of review and measurement of impact remain practical and relevant, or whether more innovative practices are needed, and how.
CSA, c. € 2 million
Topic Description
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