Performance Analysis

Organisational Units Performance

The performance of the organisation as a whole, as well as its various organs and units, determines its capability of delivering academic and scientific excellence. At the same time, it prescribes the outline of what might be needed so as to exceed the current level of the organisational performance and bring it to higher levels and greater hights. Together with the organisational management, we shall introduce objective measures that will help Management in setting the desired performance benchmark and devise practical steps for both the organisation as a whole and its relevant units that will take the organisation forward.


Management Performance

Here we shall review, together with the management, their assessment of the organisation, the ideal strategy and their view of the organisational SWOT situation. This is coupled with exploration of the management’s views of the staff and the academic & research performance of the organisation and the in-house scientists. Also, we shall examine, with the management, the financial situation of the organisation. Based on assessment of the data collected, the overall performance analysis will be presented to the organisation’s management, set against the basic outline produced during the initial assessment (determination of goals). This will lead to the production of a “draft for discussion” of the strategic plan of the organisation that includes all the agreed goals, means required for the smooth implementation of these goals and the programme as a whole along with controls to ensure such an implementation.


Academic / Scientific Staff Performance

The excellence of the scientific & research staff is the key factor for the success of the organisation in its scientific work and in maintaining leading position in the organisational fields of expertise. The Staff Performance Assessment will begin with the collection of data pertaining to all staff performance, including information pertaining to number and quality of publications (arranged in hosting preference and role in the publication); citation rate (both self and other’s); participation and role in international & national professional events; grant attractiveness; teaching assessment (where relevant and according to available data); instruction of research students; collaboration with industry and/or other non-academic organs; outreach activities, etc. As a result, a dynamic matrix of all staff and their achievements will be available to the organisation that will give a true picture of the overall academic performance of each member of the staff.


Administrative Support Performance

To ensure scientific excellence and outstanding research activities, administrative support is necessary, so as to warrant smooth and harmonised operation of all relevant scientific and research undertakings. This includes support in research administrative and financial management as well as in teaching, extracurricular endeavours, devising and marketing of services, etc. We shall examine the current profile of the administrative support offered by the organisation and help in creating effective administrative supporting system, based on needs and expectations analyses coupled with the management vision and definition of such needs and expectations.